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How You Can Help Your Doctor Help You With Your Depression

Guest Post • Jan 03, 2020

More than one in five Americans actively suffer from some sort of mental illness. If you are unlucky enough to be one of those people, you know just how debilitating mental illness can be. However, it is treatable, and working with your doctor, it’s possible to overcome your depression. Here's a look into how you can help your physician treat your illness.

Be an Active Participant

As difficult as it may be to do, you have to actively participate in your therapy. Simply put, you will never get better unless you try.

This can be a challenge when you have depression, as a lack of motivation is one of depression's primary symptoms. However, you have to engage with your treatment for the best results. When you are given follow up work, try it. When you are given new techniques to try, give them a shot and report back to your doctor afterward.

Communicate With Your Doctor

Depression is among the most commonly misdiagnosed conditions , and it is often misdiagnosed as a physical illness. This means that you have to work particularly hard to ensure that your issues are being addressed.

This means asking questions, communicating your thoughts and feelings, and being actively engaged in the treatment process. It also means listening and communicating your needs and remembering the information you are given. This can be particularly challenging, and it may mean you have to write down the various techniques and strategies you are given to try and overcome your depression.

Avoid Self-Destructive Behaviors

Unfortunately, people who are depressed will often engage in self-destructive behaviors , including overeating, drinking, doing drugs or escalating risk-taking behaviors.

Avoiding these behaviors means more than simply not going to a bar or not eating. It also means working with your doctor to address the root cause of self-destructive behaviors. This can involve some painful trips through traumatic events or addressing memories that have caused you a great deal of pain. However, the important thing here is to remember the end goal: Becoming a healthier, happier person.

When it comes to beating depression, it's a team effort. It obviously involves you, but there's more to it than that. You have to work with your entire medical team, as well as your family, friends and support network. However, here's the good news: An actively engaged participant is much better able to beat depression than someone who does nothing or tries to beat it on their own.

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