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Relationship Wreckers – 5 Common Causes of Strain in Your Relationships

Guest Post • May 24, 2019

Here are some things that can put a strain on your relationship.

Romantic relationships require a significant amount of energy and commitment to ensure that the bond can continue and that both partners can remain connected to one another. Although many people maintain committed to the person they love, there are still a few outside stressors that can affect the quality of their relationship. Here are a few common causes of strain you may experience in your relationship at one time or another.


Many couples have different habits when it comes to how they handle their money, which can lead to issues when they begin to share a bank account. Although it may be easier to have separate accounts, this can lead to disunity in the relationship rather than working together to attain specific financial goals. Communication is key to staying on the same page with one another. His & Her M oney advises creating a clear budget, giving each other some spending money, and making rules for how to avoid conflict or strain.

Misaligned Fundamental Values

Sharing core values and shared interests are integral to having a relationship that can be sustained. You and your partner may see the world differently, which can affect your priorities or options. TTB Lawstates that incompatibility is one of the most commonly-cited reasons for divorce. When dating another person, it can be easy to mistake shared interests and values. Over time, this can make it challenging with how you decide to live your life together and what you want in the future. It can also make it difficult to determine how to raise your children.


Children can be stress inducers due to how much they change the lives of each parent. The moment the baby is born, the couple begins to experience sleepless nights and partners can start to feel neglected due to the amount of attention that the newborn gets. It's important to make the necessary adjustments and communicate often to avoid strain in the relationship.


Relocating to a new city or state can make it difficult for couples to feel as united or connected if they're struggling with living in an unfamiliar setting. Living closer to family members and friends can actually make the relationship thrive and avoid any resentment that one partner may have towards another if the relocation was due to a job or personal desires.

Lack of Appreciation

Although it can be easy to fall in love and have sparks fly with someone you decide to enter a relationship with, many couples begin to feel less connected with one another as they maintain busy schedules and responsibilities. One or both partners can start to feel underappreciated, especially if a lack of time is spent together. Re nee Te ller points out that there's often a higher risk of infidelity in relationships where one of the partners don't feel valued in the relationship, which makes it necessary to set aside time affirming one another and reconnecting each day.

Many relationships wreckers can be detrimental if they're not dealt with by both individuals. Understanding common causes of strain can allow you to remain prepared and equipped to stay connected and prevent the issues from escalating. And if you feel like you’re unable to resolve these issues on your own, seek couples therapy before divorce.

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