Blog Post

Finding Your Passion

Lindsay Tsang • May 13, 2020

How you can discover and plan for the life you want.  

I love what I do—it’s great to meet people, learn what they’re all about and also give them real support and watch them in real time get better. That’s what makes me come alive. 

My Journey  

Growing up my family called me ‘shy boy’—I had a hard time being around people. I had to learn the power of authenticity. 

Often when we are struggling we usually shut down and don’t tell anyone. I found a group of guys who was willing to be real with me and talk about what it means to be an authentic man. Instead of hiding I had the chance to be open about who I was. That’s what started the journey for me. 

How I found my passion

As I got older I had a lot of mentoring, teaching or leading roles. I noticed people with issues or problems gravitated towards me and wanted to talk with them. I began running into issues that I didn’t have the skillset to support. That inspired me to get my MACP and pursue a profession in counselling services. 
I have watched people discover their authentic self, find clarity and discover their passion. I am so thrilled to join them on that journey. 

One of my favourite quotes is this: “Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”- Howard Thurman 

Discovering your passion

This is sometimes easier said than done. There's no simple way to discern what your passion is, or what to pursue. Some important deciding factors will be your personality, your likes and interests, what motivates you in life. With some reflection, you'll be able to consider what those motivators are. 

I like using the following process with clients. Rather than creating pipe dreams, it gives an achievable path forward with fallback options. 

One of the activities I do with clients is a simple A, B, C. 
  • Plan A: If you didn't change anything in your life, what would be the best version look like in the next 5 years? 
  • Plan B: If your original plans didn't work out, what would be an alternative plan you could pursue? 
  • Plan C: What would be an option if neither of those plans worked out? 
We then create a detailed plan for ALL THREE options, thinking about what steps it would take to make each dream come alive. 

This activity is great because it's realistic. Sometimes things don't work out. If we are fixated on Plan A then we'll be stuck if it doesn't work out. This is a way of seeing how other options could be possible and fulfilling in our lives. Having 3 credible options can give us flexibility and confidence.

Who benefits from this activity
This plan is great for people who are feeling stuck in life. If you feel paralyzed when you think about the future, or if you have so many ideas swirling around that it's hard to create a concrete plan, this activity is for you. 

What would an ABC plan look like in your life? 


 If you would like to work through life goals, career or transition planning with one of our therapists you can book an appointment here or call 705-300-0077

Lindsay Tsang (MACP) a Registered Psychotherapist at Lindsay Tsang & Associates. His dream is to see people get free and come truly alive. You can hear about his journey on Youtube

Photo by Andre Hunter on Unsplash

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