Blog Post

Couples: The Art of Effective Communication

Lindsay Tsang • Mar 20, 2024

Using the Gottman Method to enhance your relationship.

Effective communication is the key to building and maintaining healthy, thriving relationships. Dr. John Gottman, a renowned psychologist and researcher, has spent decades conducting a longitudinal study on relationships and has identified some invaluable tips for fostering effective communication. In this blog, we will delve into the art of effective communication in relationships, drawing inspiration from
the Gottman Method, which offers evidence-based strategies for building stronger connections with your partner.

Express Appreciation and Admiration

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, we often forget to express our appreciation for our loved ones. The Gottman Method emphasizes the importance of regularly sharing admiration and compliments. Take the time to acknowledge your partner's qualities, both big and small, to reinforce a sense of value and importance in your relationship.

Use Softened Start-Ups

When bringing up concerns or issues, approach your partner with a "softened start-up." Instead of launching into criticism or blame, express your feelings and needs in a gentle, non-confrontational manner. For example, say, "I felt hurt when you didn't call me" rather than "You never care about my feelings."

The Power of Active Listening

Active listening is a cornerstone of effective communication. Make an effort to truly understand your partner's perspective by paraphrasing their thoughts and feelings. Ask open-ended questions to encourage them to share more, and avoid jumping to conclusions. This fosters a deeper connection built on trust and understanding.

The Repair Attempt

Conflict is inevitable in any relationship. The key is how you handle it. According to Dr. Gottman, successful couples use "repair attempts" during arguments. These are small gestures, like humor or a touch, that signal a willingness to resolve the conflict and reconnect emotionally. Recognize and use these repair attempts to diffuse tension and restore harmony.

Take Regular Time Outs

When emotions run high, it's crucial to take a break to cool off. Dr. Gottman recommends using a "time out" strategy when disagreements become too heated. Agree on a specific time to resume the conversation calmly and rationally. This prevents arguments from escalating and allows both partners to collect their thoughts. A great rule of thumb is to never fight past 10pm--exhaustion only plays into negative emotions.

Nurture Your Friendship

A strong friendship forms the foundation of a lasting romantic relationship. Dr. Gottman suggests engaging in activities you both enjoy, spending quality time together, and continually getting to know one another. Keep the friendship alive by sharing your dreams, goals, and thoughts, just as you did when you first met.

The Magic of the Six-Second Kiss

Dr. Gottman suggests that taking just six seconds to share a passionate kiss with your partner can significantly enhance your emotional connection. This physical act of affection communicates love and desire, setting a positive tone for your interactions. 

The Gottman Method reminds us that communication is a skill that can be honed and improved upon throughout your journey together, ultimately strengthening the bond between you and your partner. Often, returning to the basics of showing admiration and nurturing friendship can help to diffuse conflicts.

If you and your partner need help learning to communicate in a safe and positive way with each other, we are here to help. Our team incorporates Gottman and other methods to help couples move forward. To book an appointment please visit

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