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4 Unexpected Actions That Can Strengthen Your Marriage

Guest Post • Jul 01, 2018

Every marriage needs a good reboot at some point. If you feel like you and your spouse are in a rut, it's probably time to mix things up. Read ahead to see four unexpected ways to keep your relationship exciting and strengthen your bond with your spouse.

Go To Counseling

Believe it or not, counseling is not only for couples on the brink of divorce. Many happy couples go just to feel that they can open up to each other in a neutral space. Counselors can help reinforce the good things in your relationship and give you tools to uncover new things about each other.

Buy A House Together

The very act of combining householdsis great for the mental wellness of couples. It helps to let couples really understand the union they've entered into. Buying a house will not save a marriage on the rocks; but for couples that are stable in their relationship, shopping for a house and buying a house can have a very positive influence. Taking time to enjoy the home buying experience with your spouse can be refreshing. House shopping can open up conversations about desires for the future like starting a family or dream vacations. Once you do get a home, you will have a new space to transform into something you both love. If you've been hesitant to buy a house before now because you don't have enough saved up for a down payment, look into government incentive programs that can help, like FHA loans or VA loans.

Do Something Spontaneous

Life tends to get routine after a while, and while your routine may not be wrong, it may be boring. Doing something spontaneous every once in a while can add a much-needed spark. If you are a person that loves to plan ahead, create a "Break In Case of Emergency" fund. Keep it available for the band you just found out is in town or to go on a weekend trip to the beach every once in a while.

Have an Electronics-Free Night Once A Week

No matter what your age is, we have all been sucked into the technology craze in one way or another. Without even realizing it, you and your spouse can find yourselves always on your phones and tablets or only enjoying time together when a movie is involved. One night a week, spend the entire evening free of television, computer, and phones. Cook dinner together, play a board game, or just sit outside and talk. Plan something different each week, so you both have quality time to look forward to.

Try one or two of the above suggestions and view them as a way to grow closer to your spouse. Remember that we are always growing as people, so learn the new person your spouse is becoming. You may be pleasantly surprised at what you find.

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